Tuesday, October 3, 2017

10/3/17 - Linear Interpolation

For this weeks math Monday we were assigned to research Linear Interpolation or Lerp. Linear Interpolation in mathmatics is defined as "a method of curve fitting using linear polynomials to construct new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points." In more simple terms LERP Draws an imaginary line between point A and B and tells how far along the line you are. LERP is often used when making games in order to either blend a transformation, material or more. For Example: 
In this example I am Lerping two texture samples together, or in other words, I am joining them together along a line.

A Lerp can also be used to move an actor between two locations. For example I set up a platform which contained a start and an end collision box. I then got the location of the two collision boxes and made the platform lerp between the two over a timeline.

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